New Here

Hello and Welcome!

So glad you found your way to our website. We hope you’ll find the information you’re looking for. If you’d like to see us in person, we meet on Sunday mornings from 9:30 to 11AM. Here’s what you can expect on an average Sunday morning.

9:30-10:00AM – worship

Find your seats and make yourselves comfortable. The meeting gets under way at around 9:30. We will sing hymns and worship songs, read some scriptures and hear a few announcements about the coming week. Note that nursery is available throughout the morning, but if you prefer to keep your baby in arms, we love to hear their voices in the service.

10:00-10:30AM – Sermon & Sunday School

Every week, we spend about a half hour listening to a message from the Bible. There are spare Bibles at the back if you want to follow along. Sunday school is offered during this half hour. After that, the kids will be brought back to their families for the Lord’s Supper.

10:30-11:00AM – The Lord’s Supper

Just hours before Jesus was betrayed and condemned to die, He sat at dinner with His disciples. There, He took bread, broke it and said, “This is My body which is given for you.” Then He took a cup and said, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood, which is shed for you.” Then He issued an open-ended command: “Do this in remembrance of Me.” For two thousand years, those who know and love Jesus have done just that. From the early Christians who continued unwaveringly in the “Breaking of bread”, to the men and women who would come after of every age, stage, nation and tribe. Some call it “taking communion”, or the ”Eucharist”. At RCF, we tend to refer to it as “the Lord’s Supper” or “the Breaking of Bread”. Whatever it’s called, the goal is the same: to remember the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, and to proclaim His death until He returns.

At RCF, the Lord’s Supper aims to be an unscripted conversation where various men will stand to read a scripture, request a song, pray or share a sweet thought about Jesus. There are also moments of quiet reflection which allow for private prayer or for self-examination which is central to this meeting. Finally, those who know and love Jesus will eat bread and drink wine (or grape-juice) in remembrance of Jesus’ sacrifice to end sin and death once and for all. If you’re still checking things out and aren’t sure what you think about Jesus yet, that’s fine. We’re so glad you’re here and we hope you learn lots about Him in the things that are shared, but please pass on the bread and wine. We trust this time will be a blessing to you!


Childcare (Sunday School) and nursery services are provided during the service.

Where are we

RCF is conveniently located just outside of Perth, Ontario, at 8 Craig Street.


Parking is available at the back of the building.

What We Believe